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When S.C. Frigotehnica S.R.L. was founded in 1949 it was the only manufacturing and installation company for industrial refrigeration in Romania. The company is now the country's market leader in the engineering, execution, and installation of equipment for commercial and industrial refrigeration.

We asked Cristina Neagu, chief accountant, and Roxana Bodo, managing director for Frigotehnica why they decided to upgrade their Epicor iScala ERP solution and what benefits they have realized.

“We would definitely recommend iScala 3.0 and ICE to all customers because of its great ease of use and support for management reporting.”

Cristina Neagu
Chief Accountant | S.C. Frigotehnica S.R.L.

Q: What were the main reasons Frigotehnica had for upgrading to iScala 3?

A: We had an old version of iScala that was no longer compatible with the current operating system and it was more advantageous to upgrade and invest in iScala 3.0 than to buy a new ERP system.

Q: How have performance, usability, and reliability improved since upgrading to iScala 3?

A: The new management reports have helped us improve the performance of the company. We can now use the reports for all the companies within the Group and we have saved two hours per day on each run of reports.

Q: What immediate benefits did you gain as soon as you upgraded to iScala 3?

A: A great benefit for us with iScala 3.0 is the invoice processing. It's easier to correct mistakes and the process is now much faster. We also like the new feature of automatic reliance as this was not possible with the old version.

Q: What business benefits do you now expect to achieve as a result of your upgrade to iScala 3?

A: We have experienced financial benefits from upgrading because we can access more business information faster which means that we can be more responsive when dealing with customers and suppliers.

Q: What advice would you give anyone considering upgrading to iScala 3?

A: If you are considering upgrading to iScala 3.0 our advice would be to make sure that you understand the new features, that you define your requirements clearly, and that you analyze your processes in depth before you start the project.

Company Facts

  • Location: Romania
  • Industry: Manufacturing - industrial refrigeration
  • Web site:


  • Outdated technology
  • Time consuming reporting
  • Manual processes


  • Saved two hours per day on running reports
  • Significantly simplified invoice processing
  • Ability to access more business data faster
  • Improved efficiency when dealing with customers and suppliers
  • Overall better business responsiveness

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