A Practical Guide to Digital Transformation

25 Quick Tips for Moving from Paper to Digital Work Instructions

Are you frustrated with using Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or homegrown systems to create and manage work instructions, SOPs, and training documents? Download this guide and get 25 quick tips and step-by-step best practices of how to create, test, authorize, distribute, and monitor clear, precise, and effective digital work instructions. We’ll also cover advanced work instruction considerations to help error proof assembly and maximize quality.

Key Takeaways:

  • Utilizing paper-based work instructions on the plant floor can be an extremely inefficient and costly process.
  • Digital work instructions can have a transformative impact, guiding operators through the assembly process, boosting learning retention, and helping to improve quality and consistency.
  • With digital work instructions, manufacturers get data-driven insight into operations with the ability to track, monitor and continuously improve – lean manufacturing at its finest.

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