Delivery Dispatch with Epicor Vision

See how Delivery Dispatch allows for tracking customer orders through all phases.

Epicor Delivery Dispatch Management System (DDMS) is fully integrated with Epicor Vision. As orders are completed in Vision, they’re sent in real-time to Delivery Dispatch. Watch this video to learn how Delivery Dispatch tracks all stages of orders in-house, when dispatched and delivered:

  • Captures signatures and images through devices used during delivery
  • Works with any cellular- or GPS-based application
  • Captures real-time GPS tracking of delivery vehicles
  • Allows dispatchers to monitor and change routes
  • Incorporates management reports to track driver efficiencies
  • Notifies drivers of COD deliveries
  • Includes robust reporting options to measure the productivity and profitability of delivery runs

Mechanic working on a car with tablet