In a guest blog post for Computer Weekly, Vohra notes that the key to industry success is understanding the data landscape and fostering collaborative ecosystems for data exchange. Other takeaways include:

  • A shift towards integrated supply chains among digital champions emphasizes the benefits of a connected data strategy.
  • AI's potential in automating processes and enhancing decision-making is contingent on quality data and a holistic approach.
  • The importance of continuous partnership with technology providers post-implementation highlights a need for security and customization.
  • Amidst AI euphoria, a balanced, security-conscious strategy is essential for digital transformation success.

Read the full article here.


Vaibhav Vohra
Chief Product & Technology Officer

As the Chief Product and Technology Officer, Vaibhav Vohra is responsible for Epicor product strategy, development, management, learning, and design. He brings deep enterprise SaaS transformation and product development experience.

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