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Process Manufacturing

Drive Efficiencies and Improve Margins

Today’s process manufacturers are employing ingenuity, agility and technology to succeed in an ever-evolving environment of regulatory requirements and consumer trends. Gains in productivity and reduction in time to market are key concerns. Epicor has flexible software solutions that enable you to improve the efficiency of your supply chain and as well as increase visibility and end-to-end traceability.

  • Manage your entire business processes end-to-end from time of order through production and delivery
  • Improve yield and quality in recipe-based manufacturing
  • Accommodate rapid changes in customer and consumer trends to maximize sales growth and ensure customer satisfaction
  • Plan and control stock, production, planning and distribution
  • Manage, maintain, and improve production accurately and in real time
  • Meet tough regulatory standards where origin and use of every ingredient has to be recorded
  • Forecast demand pull scheduling and cost allocation across co-products and by-products

Manufacturing Software Solutions


Kinetic addresses the real-world challenges companies face as they look to grow in today’s global economy.


Epicor Informance EMI

Gain actionable insight into manufacturing improvement opportunities for your plant or entire enterprise.  


Epicor Advanced MES

Answer your toughest manufacturing questions with Epicor Advanced MES production control software.


Manufacturing Software Resources

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