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Prophet 21 Product Tour: Hear why our customers made the move to the Cloud and how it helped them overcome common security threats, efficiency issues, and maintain employee satisfaction.

“Moving to the Cloud” is a phrase you hear a lot these days. Touted as faster and more secure, cloud presents an ideal choice for many reasons.

During this webinar, you’ll hear from three different distributors who have made the move to the Cloud. Hear how a Prophet 21 Cloud deployment helped them overcome cybersecurity attacks, a quick shift to remote working environments, and the rising costs of maintaining on-premises servers.

Their stories will help you understand:

  • Why they made the decision to move to the cloud
  • What concerns they had about the cloud before they upgraded
  • What the implementation process was like and the impact on daily operation
  • Their ROI in the form of both savings and employee efficiency
  • Their advice for other distributors considering a move to the cloud