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Did you know there are more than 14,500 United States and Canadian tax jurisdictions, with rates, rules, and boundaries that change constantly? Trying to keep up with it all is an operational distraction and a drag on the efficiency of any organization. Fortunately, there is Epicor Tax Connect: a simple, affordable, and accurate solution that relieves the accounting department of this risk and burden. Tax Connect simply gets your sales and use tax functions done—from rate research and maintenance to reporting and returns—automatically, instantly and accurately, with no change to your existing workflow.

Don’t let burdensome tax processes weigh your business down—free yourself from the hassle and worry of sales and use tax reporting, filing returns and more with Epicor Tax Connect. Explore the Tax Connect Information Kit to find out more.

Discover the Benefits of Epicor Tax Connect

  • Automates all sales and use tax functions from rate research and maintenance to reporting and returns
  • Eliminates the tedious work and complexity of calculating, collecting, reporting, and remitting taxes in multiple jurisdictions
  • Performs functions automatically, instantly and accurately, with no change to your existing workflow
  • Easy, intuitive interface and seamless user experience

  • Generates robust, dynamic reports featuring transaction details all the way down to line-item tax information— including jurisdiction-specific data
  • Frees up financial and human resources for profitable activities
  • Integrates with your Kinetic (new name for Epicor ERP) solution for rapid implementation
  • Available on subscription as a SaaS solution

Take the hassle and worry out of sales and use tax compliance.

Whereas most accounting solutions and ERPs cannot support consumer use tax management, Epicor Tax Connect provides a single, simple solution for both sales and use tax. As a sales and use tax management service that eliminates the tedious work and complexity of calculating, collecting, reporting, and remitting taxes in multiple jurisdictions, Epicor Tax Connect integrates with your Kinetic solution to simplify all of these processes. It performs USPS CASS-certified validation, sales and use tax jurisdiction determination, and rate calculation on-the-fly with no change to your existing workflow. Fully detailed reports are always at your fingertips.

Minimize the time your tax department spends on preparing and filing tax returns.

One of the most labor intensive parts of sales and use tax management is populating and filing tax returns. The data can be hard to collect and hard to separate by tax jurisdiction. With our full tax returns service, Epicor Tax Connect Returns, all of your returns are easily populated and generated. Tax Connect Returns saves time with return filings, also cutting costs and reducing errors.

Backed by the industry’s best

Epicor Tax Connect is powered by Avalara® AvaTax®, the leading on-demand sales and use tax management solution. Backed by tax expertise of Avalara, it has the most sophisticated jurisdictional determination capability in the industry. Epicor Tax Connect provides direct real-time integration* to the AvaTax solution, providing a truly seamless user experience.

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