70% of those surveyed say their company is making upskilling a priority

70% say their organization prioritizes upskilling their workers by providing tools, resources, and training to expand their skill set.

Making upskilling a priority dropped from 80% last year to 70% this year.

Respondents from small companies making upskilling a priority dropped from 83% last year to 72% this year. Respondents from larger companies making upskilling a priority dropped from 76% last year to 60% this year.

Is your company making upskilling a priority for workers like yourself?

[Upskilling: increasing a worker´s skillset to help them improve in their current roles, while reskilling involves teaching workers skills to transition to new roles.]

Is your company making upskilling a priority for workers like yourself graphic.

Top Three Upskilling Initiatives

Providing on-site or on-the-job training is the top upskilling initiative, for 54% of respondents — the same from last year.

Other initiatives include providing access to an online training platform and covering tuition for courses and training.

There were no significant changes from 2023, and there were no notable preferences or experiences across segments.

[If yes] What is your organization doing to help you upskill? (Select all that apply)

If yes, what is your organization doing to help you upskill graphic.



The majority of respondents say that their organization is making upskilling a priority, and they say that the top way they’re doing so is through on-site or on-the-job training. Yet that number dropped 10% from last year, and for those who worked in larger companies, it dropped 16% from last year. There are many reasons why this could be, likely because of tighter budgets.

However, there is a darker possibility that many companies may be foregoing upskilling expenses because they anticipate replacing workers with automation. However, organizations will still need upskilled workers to lead and manage increased automation, AI, and other technologies — so investing in upskilling is still a priority.

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Kerrie Jordan
Vicepresidenta de Gestión de Producto

Kerrie Jordan es la Vicepresidenta de Grupo de Gestión de Productos en Epicor. Ella dirige la dirección estratégica de las soluciones de productividad industrial basadas en la nube de Epicor para asegurar que ofrezcan alto valor, innovación, seguridad y conocimientos para los clientes. Como experta en tecnología y líder de la industria, Kerrie proporciona conocimientos sobre temas como SaaS, ERP, DaaS y Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro.

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