A flurry of technology advances are making it possible to price products in a far more sophisticated—and more profitable—way than ever before. Other industries already are adopting them, providing a guide to lumber and building material dealers on what will work best. Which should you adopt? Which age-old pricing tactics should you retain?
Join Craig Webb and our panel of experts our panel of experts for a look at what’s happening in pricing just over the horizon.
- Craig Webb, president of Webb Analytics.
- Angelo Quattrocchi: General Manager at CBM Construction Building Materials, Bristol, near Philadelphia.
- Adam Gunnett: Manager of IT and Business Intelligence at Busy Beaver stores, a chain of home centers based in western Pennsylvania.
- Jim Inglis: Consultant to DIY centers worldwide and former lead merchandiser at The Home Depot.
- Nicolaj Lund: COO at PriceShape A/S, a company based in Denmark that uses technology to help home centers and other retail firms set prices that maximize profits and meet competitive challenges.