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Mobile Apps for Every Task 

Untether your warehouse, yard, and store staff and allow them to access Epicor BisTrack™ Software wherever they are using just a handheld device.  

BisTrack Mobile Applications includes the following: 

  • BisTrack Count 
  • BisTrack Picking 
  • BisTrack Receipt 
  • BisTrack Stock   

These apps can run on either Android™ or iOS® hand-held devices and extend the power of BisTrack by accessing real-time data directly from your BisTrack system. 

factory worker using smartphone


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BisTrack Count

BisTrack Count enables you to perform periodic or annual  inventory counts faster and with greater accuracy. Enter data directly into your BisTrack solution using a compatible Android or iOS mobile device instead of manual entry from clipboards and tally sheets.   

BisTrack Count helps you reduce keying time for fast, accurate inventory counts. Simply:   

  • Download the products to be counted on the mobile device 
  • Scan or enter the quantities counted 
  • Upload your count details and run your variance reports 
  • Reduce keying time for fast, accurate inventory counts 

BisTrack Picking  

Your warehouse staff can easily manage picking tasks using their mobile device, by entering information as they pick orders resulting in an accurate, efficient, and smooth process.   

The easy-to-use tool:  

  • Eliminates picking sheets and reentry of handwritten details 
  • Streamlines your picking process using bin locations 
  • Picks more accurately using barcoding with fewer missed items, quantity errors, or wrong products 
  • Manages late changes, substitutions, and inter-branch fulfillment more efficiently 
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BisTrack Receipt 

Historically, stock receipts have been a bottleneck with new stock sitting in receiving while sales are lost because stock hasn't been entered into the system yet. With BisTrack Receipt running on a mobile device, you can speed up the receiving process with fewer mistakes resulting in accurate and up-to-date inventory data. This innovative use of technology can dramatically expedite your receiving process.   

BisTrack Receipt Software improves accuracy and efficiency by: 

  • Connecting wirelessly to your network 
  • Allowing you to quickly enter and edit as you unload by scanning the barcode or typing the product code 
  • Supporting inner and outer packaging quantities and barcodes 
  • Supporting tallies 
  • Uploading receipts into your BisTrack software with no additional keying or time delay 

BisTrack Stock 

BisTrack Stock helps with faster and more accurate stock verification. It enables your staff to go to a bin or stock location and immediately verify, on their mobile device, that the stock counts in BisTrack are consistent with what's in the warehouse or on the floor. While at the stock location, your staff can:

  • Verify branch stock levels 
  • Confirm that bin label descriptions and store pricing are accurate 
  • Apply outstanding price changes 
  • Print new labels 
  • Maintain bin locations 
  • Request a purchase order to replenish stock 
  • Maintain and manage barcodes 
  • Perform inventory adjustments 
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